About Us

Morse code translator is a free-to-use web-based translation tool that can translate regular English into morse code, and vice-versa. It can also output to a wave audio file, read in English using AI, and play a morse code recording (as it would sound in a telegraph). You can also output a visual queue.

If you find yourself in need of broadcasting a message using morse code, perhaps because you are using a classic telegraph, a walkie talkie, wireless radio, a random light, or any other electric signal whose power you can control, morse code would be the most efficient way of relaying information quickly, across great distances.

About the translator

As soon as you come to the site, you will discover two boxes where text can potentially go. One content box will be for inputting English sentences and the other will be for outputting morse code. If you are aware of morse code, or even have learned it by heart, you can even put in genuine morse code and the translator will turn it back into legible English. It even provides a means to hear the English using an AI voice, or you can hear the dots and dashes just like the real morse code in a classic electric telegraph’s tone.

If you are trying to learn morse code, this device can serve as an excellent tutor, or if you already know then you can use this to test your skills and have some fun. Just know that whenever a character is parsed in the translator that does not make sense to the translator, it will respond with a # in the translation. That means some letter, or symbol was used that the translator doesn’t understand.

Morse code was invented in 1831 by Samuel F. B. Morse to convey messages over great distances using dots and dashes using his invention, the electric telegram. In another 9 years, his assistant Alfred Vail advanced the morse code into the shape it is recognized in today.

Samuel Morse first broadcasted the message “What hath God wrought” on May 24, 1844, to open the Baltimore - Washington telegraph line. In the past morse code was used widely, in fact as recently in 1999 for maritime communication (at sea, between ships) until it was replaced by a more advanced, satellite-based system. Morse code has limited application today, it is still used in amateur radio activities, assistive technology, and in some cases for aviation.

If you are interested in learning morse code, know that it used to have a steep learning curve, but thanks to modern technology, like morse code translator, or even Google labs’ GBoard, it is possible to learn morse code a bit more easily. You can also learn morse code through morse audio and test it through various memorization techniques.

Morse code changed how the world communicated, and for that reason it is still very much alive, almost 200 years later. We most of modern technological developments to this single feat.